Steiff Bon Voyage Steiff Special Deliver
Steiff Coca-Cola Polar Bear

Some of our inventory includes: the Coca-Cola Polar Bear, Bon Voyage & Special Delivery shown above.  Most of our stock have the white ear tag which mean they are Limited to North America.  We do carry a few styles with the yellow ear tag and can order anything that is current if we don't have it in stock.

We also have:
#670985 - Centenary Teddy Bear - blond, with growler, jointed - jointed - 44 cm
#671043 - Anniversary Teddy Bear, Light blond with porcelain pendant on red satin ribbon - jointed - 27 cm
 #666049 - Lavender Blue - jointed -16 cm
                                          - with porcelain pendant - jointed
#670336 - Coca-Cola Polar Bear - jointed - 15-1/2"
               - Special Delivery with metal delivery truck
               - Bon Voyage with leather suitcase, passport & clothing
#665882 - All Wrapped up - 1999 Christmas Ornament
#100125 - Molly - Blond - 24 cm
#023132 - Lt. Brown Teddy Bear
Steiff Buttons
Steiff Bear Stands